Tuesday 27 September 2011

Crikey! Is online news too quick to the chase?

Last week, the Crikey website joyously revealed plans by News Limited to refresh its company brand.

But, in drawing a link between the proposed re-branding and the UK phone hacking scandal, Crikey may have jumped a little too hard to reach some questionable conclusions.

Rupert Murdoch

In publishing elements of a leaked News Limited document designed to brief advertising agencies on a possible scope of works to modernise the company brand, Crikey claimed the proposed new 'News Australia' was designed to distance the organisation from the dodgy practices of its British sister company.

However, reports since the Crikey scoop reveal Rupert Murdoch's media empire had registered potential new company names and logos as early as June, before the phone hacking scandal surfaced.

Given Crikey makes a living out of criticising News Limited publications for being bias and agenda-setting amongst other things, it seems a little hypocritical to me that it uses a similar strategy to attack the media conglomerate.

I'm an advocate for accountability and transparency in the media but when those I trust to uphold these values (such as Crikey) start fiddling around the margins of a fact, I have grave concerns.

The Crikey article announcing the News brand refresh 'scoop' can be viewed  here.

What do you think?  Is Crikey being hypocritical in its treatment of News Limited?

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