Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Not happy about the carbon tax? Tweet it

This morning the Gillard Government's carbon tax and emissions trading legislation passed the House of Representatives.  As I discovered on Facebook and Twitter, this made a lot of people happy.  It made many others angry.

In Parliament, Labor and Independent MPs applauded, cheered and shook hands after the bills were passed.  Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd and Prime Minister Julia Gillard even exchanged a kiss!

Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd share a kiss in Parliament this morning

In the public gallery, protesters interrupted the Prime Minister while she was attempting to answer a question, chanting "no mandate, democracy is dead".

I read about this on ABC News online.  But I first got a sense of people's reactions to the passing of the carbon tax and the emmissions trading scheme on Facebook and Twitter.

The first I heard of the carbon tax bills passing through the Lower House was via a tweet by SBS World News Australia.

After that social media was a buzz with applause and condemnation.

ABC News online perhaps summed it up best, publishing a selection of comments from both Twitter and Facebook.  Here are some examples of those in praise of the carbon tax announcement, as posted on the ABC web site:

"Financial mkts unmoved by carbon vote: So biz as usual. Lead coming from US stock futures & Europe. Zero sign of any mkt fears."

"Today I feel more human again. Today I feel like singing. #Australia now will have a #Carbon #Tax! Fantastic!"

And those dismayed:

"It's a sad day for Australia and a sad day for democracy.No Labor candidate will ever darken my door again. And , you're a liar."

"This Carbon Tax is an act of unilateral economic disarmament. It's going to harm growth, cost jobs etc etc - and FOR WHAT? Idiocy."

There are many more examples quoted in the ABC article.

Personally, I'm an advocate of a carbon tax and an emissions trading scheme.  I believe in the principle of user-pays and we're all using (or more aptly abusing) the environment!

In fact, I feel so strongly about it, I'm going to go and tweet it right away!

You can find me on Twitter @sasha_lennon

1 comment:

  1. I think Ms Gillard just wants to remembered for something,because, lets face it, she won't be remembered for great Prime Ministership! She is also a liar, but that's not uncommon in politics. I don't think a carbon tax will make much difference to the environment, perhaps flying around the world in Jet aircrafts should be banned instead?
